KSP Encourages Compliance With The Employment Social Security Program

JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) together with relevant ministries/agencies, conducted an assessment of the action plan for the Employment Social Security program that had been prepared and received input for the concept of the 2022 action plan.

This is done to encourage participation and compliance with the Employment Social Security program.

"As a country with high disaster risk, we need a safety net that can reduce the burden on society and the state when a disaster occurs," said KSP's Deputy II for Human Development, Abetnego Tarigan in a KSP press release quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 4.

Abetnego said that if the entire community becomes an active participant in the Work Accident Insurance and Death Benefit (JKK/JKM), the bereaved family will receive compensation, and the abandoned child will receive educational support even from kindergarten to undergraduate level.

Therefore, Abetnego appealed that the government's social security program could be used optimally.

“The last two years the world has been rocked by a pandemic. And it is proven, the National Social Security System is an inseparable pillar of how the country faces the pandemic and mitigates its effects," he continued.

In carrying out its function to monitor and evaluate national priority programs and strategic issues, KSP through this assessment activity also explores understanding from academics and civil society regarding problems in the implementation of the employment social security program, especially within the scope of Presidential Instruction 2 of 2021 concerning Optimizing the Implementation of the Employment Social Security Program.

KSP stated that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan needs to emphasize aspects of justice, sustainability, and stability. Therefore, KSP hopes that there will be an evaluation for the internal improvement of BPJS TK, especially regarding services and socialization.

"There should not be a BPJS action plan that is not achieved, because this will be a signal to the Ministries/Institutions that seriousness is needed in carrying out the Inpres action plan," said the Main Expert of Deputy III KSP Fadjar Dwi Wishuwardhani.

As is known, President Joko Widodo has instructed 26 ministries/agencies to take the necessary steps according to their respective duties, functions, and authorities to optimize the implementation of the Employment Social Security Program.

The Board of Directors of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is expected to increase cooperation with ministries/agencies in the context of campaigning and socializing the Employment Social Security Program.

In addition, the President also requested that the Board of Directors increase cooperation with stakeholders in order to improve service, compliance, and ease of payment of contributions in the Employment Social Security Program.

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