AMBON - Ambon City Government (Pemkot) asked the Kings, Village Heads (Kades), Village Heads, and Principals (Kepsek) and PAUD Supervisors to supervise prevent flag-raising by separatist sympathizers of the South Maluku Republic (RMS).

"The request is based on letter Number 020/1 137/SETKOT signed by City Secretary Agus Ririmasse," said Head of the Ambon City National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol) Yan Suitela in Ambon, Maluku, Thursday, April 25, as reported by Antara.

He said the letter was following up on the letter from the Director of Security Intelligence of the Maluku Police regarding the results of the implementation of intelligence activities in Ambon City.

Based on coordination with the Maluku Regional Police and according to the letter, anticipation is carried out according to intelligence reports.

The Ambon City Government said it was also coordinating with the Maluku Province Kesbangpol Agency, and the letter was a form of appeal to the Village/Negeri and Kelurahan Governments in Ambon city.

He stated that the request was addressed to the King/Kades, Lurah, Principal and Supervisor of PAUD to supervise and prevent the raising of flags by RMS sympathizers by utilizing the flagpole at the office and school.

"The appeal was also conveyed by all Regency/City Governments in Maluku so that the raising of the flag was not carried out," he said.

He admitted that through the letter it did not mean that the City Government had exaggerated the RMS, because in fact the public had also realized that the act was against the law.

"It is the duty of the local government to continue to remind the public not to be influenced and provoked by misleading and legal invitations," said Yang.

He added, the city of Ambon with all its potential, will progress in the future, therefore security stability must be maintained in order to ensure that progress.

The security carried out by the security forces is a fixed procedure, in order to anticipate earlier than to be careless.

"Residents have realized the importance of security and community welfare, so that together they maintain city security stability," he said.

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