In Jakarta, There Are Still 142 Schools That Are Not Ready To Hold Face-to-face Learning

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria explained, there are still 142 schools in Jakarta that are not ready to carry out face-to-face learning (PTM). Thus, the school postponed the implementation of PTM.

"Some have postponed the PTM because they are not ready, even though they have completed the assessment and participated in the training. There are 142 PTM schools not ready," Riza told reporters, Friday, October 29.

Riza said that the implementation of PTM in schools was ensured through an assessment of school readiness and assessment of learning from home, as well as participating in training.

"At this time, some schools are participating in training and some are participating in remedial training and some are delaying the PTM," he said.

He explained that currently there are 1.091 schools participating in PTM trial remedial stages 2, 3, 4, and 5. In addition, there are also 1.817 schools participating in PTM training stage 6.

"So, a total of 3.050 schools that will be opened by PTM are limited to November 8, 2021," he said.

As is known, the method of implementing learning in Jakarta is currently carried out through blended learning, namely learning in class and learning online.

The face-to-face learning time for each level is as follows:

a. Senior high school (SMA)/Vocational school (SMK) maximum 35 minutes x 5 hours of lessons (175 minutes a week)

b. Junior high school 35 minutes x 4 hours of lessons (140 minutes a week)

c. Elementary school maximum 35 minutes x 3 hours of lessons (105 minutes a week)

d. Pre-school (PAUD) maximum 30 minutes x 2 hours of lessons (60 minutes a week)

Class conditions that apply face-to-face learning:

a. Senior high school (SMA), vocational school (SMK), Islamic high school/vocational school (MA, MAK), junior high school (SMP), Islamic junior high school (MTS), Elementary School (SD), Islamic elementary school (MI), and equal learning programs by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 18 students per class.

b. Special needs schools learn by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.

c. PAUD learns in class by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.