Apple Announces Update On Company Plans To Carbon Neutral By 2030

JAKARTA - Some time ago Apple was rumored to have a future project that would make the company completely carbon neutral by 2030, and now that plan is getting another update.

The company is said to have registered suppliers of various components and launched a new green project. Apple announced that it has more than doubled the number of suppliers committed to using 100 percent clean energy over the past year.

That brings the total to 175 Apple suppliers as well as the company itself, the equivalent of more than 9 gigawatts worldwide. Apple also said that it has added 10 new projects to its "Power for Impact" initiative that will bring clean energy solutions to communities around the world, with the goal of helping to put renewable energy into underserved communities.

Apple's vice president of environmental, policy and social initiatives, Lisa Jackson, said: "The company's hope to become completely carbon neutral in less than 10 years is a very ambitious goal."

"It's going to take a lot of work and focus to ensure that we fulfill it and we're on the right track," Jackson said as quoted by The Independent, Thursday, October 28.

While Apple is already carbon neutral in its own operations, they will also ensure that it applies to its own supply chain. By 2030, every product sold will have a net zero climate impact.

Apple's announcement comes ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, which environmentalists hope can make something big on climate goals. But as the conference drew near, many realized that progress between governments had stalled.

"While governments have a role to play, businesses can and must take the lead. That will require companies to see the full effect of their products. In line with Apple's commitment to ensuring its carbon neutrality applies not only to its own operations but also the full supply chain," Jackson explained.

Meanwhile, Jackson stated that new projects, including initiatives to bring clean energy to underserved people, stem from the recognition that communities at the heart of renewable projects are often excluded. Therefore, the project is a way to turn the need for clean energy into benefits for many communities.