The General Election Commission Is Suggested To Study Profit And Loss If The 2024 Election Is Held On May 15

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) is advised to make an in-depth study of the advantages and disadvantages if the election is conducted on May 15, 2024.

The reason is, if it is carried out in that month, it is feared that it will disrupt the process of the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) which will be held in November.

"Technically, the KPU knows more about their ability to work, so they can consider the right time," said Chairman of the Democratic Party Faction (Kapoksi) at Commission II Anwar Hafid, Wednesday, September 29.

According to him, if the time for voting for the legislative and presidential elections is in May 2024, there are many stages that intersect. Because there are challenges in the 2024 General Election where the Regional Head Elections will also be held in the same year.

One of them is about the adequacy of time. Moreover, if there is a two-round election and a dispute over the results of the presidential election later.

"When the first presidential election was in two rounds, the KPU would be in a lot of trouble arranging the stages," said Anwar.

Therefore, Anwar considered, the KPU needs to carefully consider the timing of the Pilleg and Presidential Elections, which until now there are still differences. Where KPI wants February while the Minister of Home Affairs wants April or May.