KPK Seizes Documents From The Owner Of PT Himah Kurnia Regarding Allegations Of Infrastructure Corruption By Banjarnegara Regent Budhi Sarwono

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confiscated documents related to allegations of corruption in infrastructure procurement by the inactive Banjarnegara Regent Budhi Sarwono.

The confiscation was carried out when investigators examined the deputy director and owner of PT Himah Kurnia, Herry Mudzakir. The inspection was carried out on Tuesday, September 14, at the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Representative Building in Yogyakarta.

At that time, Herry was examined as a witness to complete the files belonging to Budhi and another suspect, Kedy Afandi.

"Herry Mudzakir, Deputy Director or owner of PT Himah Kurnia was present and confirmed various pieces of evidence obtained by the investigative team during a search some time ago and at the same time documents were confiscated", Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, September 15.

In addition, the KPK also questioned the Director of PT Harya Dewa, Sugeng Karyoto. During the examination, investigators confirmed the arrangement of work projects carried out by Budhi and through his trusted person, Kedy.

As previously reported, Banjarnegara Regent Budhi was named a suspect along with Kedy Afandi, who was the former head of his success team during the election. He is suspected of receiving a commitment fee of around IDR 2.1 billion from contractors who want to get projects in his area.

Not only asking for a fee commitment, but Budhi was also named a suspect because he played an active role in the implementation of the infrastructure work auction. The KPK suspects that he was directly involved in distributing the work packages at the PUPR Service, including family companies, and arranging the auction winners.

Meanwhile, Kedy is always monitored and directed by Budhi, especially when making arrangements for the division of work. This is intended so that companies affiliated with him and incorporated in the Bumi Redjo group can splash out on procurement projects.