The Families Of The Victims Of The Tangerang Prison Fire Were Asked To Come To The Police Hospital For Identification

JAKARTA - The Head of Public Relations Karopenmas of the National Police Headquarters, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said as many as 41 bodies of victims of the Tangerang Class 1 prison fire had arrived at the Police Hospital, East Jakarta. The bodies have been received by the Police Hospital, and the DVI Team immediately identified the 41 dead bodies.

"It is hoped that the families of 41 victims will come to the Antemortem and Post Mortem posts at the Police Hospital to provide all the data to make it easier for the DVI Team. The DVI team needs evidence from the victims", he told reporters at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Wednesday, September 8.

Brigadier General Rusdi said his party also opened an Antemortem and Post Mortem post at the Police Hospital to look for data before the victim died.

"Primary and secondary data. The team asks the family to go to Antemortem and Post Mortem to provide data relating to 41 victims at the Police Hospital", he said.

He ensured that the DVI Team would immediately work to resolve this incident to immediately provide certainty to the victim's family.

"Be sure to first work from DVI, later it will be matched from antemortem with post mortem data so that it can quickly provide certainty to the victim's family", he said.