WALHI Protests Against Burning Place In Tebet Park, Deputy Governor Of DKI Riza Patria: Pray For Us To Have A Modern Waste Management
JAKARTA - The plan to build a kiln in Tebet Park, South Jakarta was protested by the Jakarta Forum for the Environment (Walhi) for increasing air pollution.
Responding to this, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria guaranteed that the construction of an intermediate waste management facility (FPSA) would not cause pollution because it uses advanced technology.
"It's not burning like we burn garbage, so there's no pollution. It uses good technology," Riza told reporters, Sunday, August 8.
Moreover, said Riza, the burning of waste at the sub-district level is carried out on a small scale. Meanwhile, the procurement of large-scale incinerators is still in the auction process.
"So we pray that hopefully this year and onwards we will have a process of having a modern, sophisticated waste processing site like in other developed countries, and we can do better waste management," he said.
Previously, Tubagus Soleh Ahmadi, Executive Director of Walhi Jakarta, stated that his party rejected the construction of a hydrodrive incinerator technology with a capacity of 120 tons/day on an area of 13,000 m2 in Tebet Park.
First, said Tubagus, the waste management project by burning waste (incinerator) is not included in regional policies and strategies in managing household and similar household waste.
Second, projects that have the potential to increase the burden of air pollution are in public areas (parks) and are directly adjacent to settlements, then also in the midst of the situation of Jakarta's high air pollution burden.
"You can imagine that areas that are usually used as public areas such as recreation, sports, and so on will be exposed to the bad effects of incinerators," said Tubagus in a statement some time ago.
"With this, Walhi Jakarta asks the Governor of DKI Jakarta to immediately cancel the planned waste burning project in Tebet Park, because it has the potential to endanger the community interaction space," he added.