Governor Of West Papua Reportedly Died After Vaccination, Regent Of Manokwari: Hoax

JAKARTA - The Regent of Manokwari, Hermus Indou, conveyed clarification to residents in the local district regarding the existence of false news or hoaxes stating that the Governor of West Papua, Dominggus Mandacan died after being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine.

This clarifying statement was conveyed by Regent Hermus Indou to residents of several districts in the Manokwari Regency who carried out road blockade actions after being consumed by false news about the Governor of West Papua.

"I need to clarify this information, that it is not true that the governor died because of the COVID-19 vaccine", said Regent Hermus Indou in Manokwari, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 28.

The Regent explained that the person who spread false news about the death of the Governor of West Papua through the Facebook social media upload had apologized to the governor for his personal upload.

"The person who spread the hoax has come and apologized from the governor this morning at the governor's residence", said Regent Hermus Indou to his residents.

Until now, the Regent of Manokwari Hermus Indou is still at several action points to provide explanations and understanding to residents about the false news of the death of the governor who is also the head of the Arfak tribe in the province.

Separately, a Facebook account user on behalf of VY was accompanied by two people. His parents had gone to the residence of the Governor of West Papua, Wednesday, to apologize.

In front of the governor, this man with the initials VY admitted that he had made a mistake because he had eaten false news via a cellular telephone connection, so without checking the truth of the information, he then posted the news on his Facebook account.

"I was completely wrong, and had no other intention, other than conveying the sad news that I received via Facebook upload without double-checking the truth of this information", said VY.

The arrival of the man who owned the Facebook account along with his parents was also accepted by the Governor of West Papua, and in a family manner, the Governor of West Papua forgave the man.

The governor then appealed to the people of the province of West Papua, especially social media users, to be wiser in receiving various information before passing the information on to others.