79 Percent Of COVID-19 Patients In Central Sulawesi Undergo Self-isolation
JAKARTA - A total of 2,541 people or about 79 percent of the 3,211 positive COVID-19 people in Central Sulawesi are self-isolating. A spokesperson for the COVID-19 Data and Information Center of Central Sulawesi Province, Moh. Haris Kariming, in Palu City, reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 21.
He explained that COVID-19 sufferers in Central Sulawesi were spread in Palu City (600), Banggai Regency (595), Banggai Islands (78), Banggai Laut (26), Buol (39), Donggala (68), Morowali (188) , North Morowali (273), Parigi Moutong (248), Poso (458), Sigi (279), Tojo Una-Una (157), and Tolitoli (202).
With the addition of 280 people who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, Haris said, the cumulative number of people infected with the Coronavirus in Central Sulawesi totaled 17,560 people.
Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 patients who were declared cured increased by 119 to a total of 13,858 people, and the number of patients who died due to Coronavirus infection increased by four to 491 people.
Haris appealed to Central Sulawesi residents to be disciplined in implementing health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, staying away from crowds, and reducing mobility.
"This step is very important to break the chain of spread and transmission in Central Sulawesi", he said.