When AHY-EBY Warn Government Coalition Comments Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The government's coalition parties have opened their voices about the criticisms made by two senior members of the Democratic Party who expressed concern that Indonesia had failed in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The elder brother and chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) questioned the state's ability to save the people from the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, his younger brother, who is also the chairman of the Democratic Party (FPD) faction of the DPR RI, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono alias EBY alias Ibas, said he was worried that Indonesia would become a failed nation because it was unable to save its people.

In the midst of an unfavorable state situation due to being busy fighting against the spike in COVID-19, of course, the statement of the 'Duo Prince' from Cikeas made national politics boil again. In particular, parties supporting the government.

They then turned to question the contribution of the party retainer bearing the star of mercy to the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. In fact, he warned the AHY-EBY duo to be careful in their comments. The reason is, the country has been head over heels trying to contain the spread of this deadly virus.

So, what do the coalition parties say?

PPP DPP chairman Achmad Baidowi (Awiek) assessed AHY and Ibas as pessimistic individuals in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. He also questioned the contribution of the Democratic 'Two Princes' in handling this pandemic.

"It depends on whether the 'prince duo' want to join the country to deal with COVID-19. If they spread pessimism, then at least the people around them can be pessimistic," said Awiek in a short message, Thursday, July 8.

The secretary of the DPR's PPP faction said, in a situation like this, everyone must work together to build optimism in dealing with COVID-19. Moreover, all countries experience the same obstacles in the global pandemic.

"And both of them also knew when they were in government for 10 years, how to solve problems in Indonesia with the fourth largest population in the world. Even at that time there was no covid pandemic," he said.

Awiek is welcome if you want to criticize the government. As long as, he said, the criticism is constructive and not debilitating with pessimism.

"It should be if you have a statesman spirit," said the member of Commission VI of the DPR.

PDIP politician Rahmad Handoyo appealed to certain parties and groups to be careful in expressing opinions so as not to cause division of opinion in the community.

"So, remember, politicians, remember that anyone who wants to comment should think twice, a thousand times what the impact of that talk is," said the member of Commission IX of the DPR.

Rahmad reminded the public that differences are important. However, when differences during war will create negative energy, the nation, and all Indonesian people will be harmed.

"Especially during the war against COVID-19, there are those who want the President to resign. We really love that," said Rahmad.

The member who is in charge of health issues also invites the community to unite to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Don't, on the other hand, make comments that think the government is always wrong.


Member of the Golkar faction of the DPR RI, Darul Siska, asked all parties to focus more on dealing with the increasing COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of blaming each other in a difficult situation like today, especially to the government.


"In this situation, we should not blame each other but introspect each other and remind each other if there is a shortage of one of the parties," Darul Siska told reporters, Thursday, July 8.


The House of Representatives Commission IX in the health sector reminded that the COVID-19 pandemic is a non-natural disaster that is felt by all countries. So, don't use it as a political momentum to fight for power.


He suggested that all elements temporarily forget about differences in political choices and fully support the policies taken by the government to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19.


According to him, the most important thing right now is concrete and concrete steps to get Indonesia out of COVID-19. Instead of making noisy statements, it's better to work together to fight the pandemic.


“Indonesia is being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. We must face this with a spirit of togetherness,” said the West Sumatra electoral district legislator.


Meanwhile, the Gerindra Party believes that the feud will not be useful in the midst of handling the COVID-19 pandemic. He also did not question the statement of the Democrat Party asking the coalition parties to support President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) not as long as you are happy or ABS.


"Political disputes will not be useful in alleviating the suffering of the people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Gerindra deputy chairman Habiburokhman to reporters, Thursday, July 8.


According to the Deputy Chairperson of the DPR MKD, political parties on the government side must be open to criticism from anywhere, including non-government political parties. Meanwhile, on the non-government side, Habiburokhman said, don't just ride the issue of handling COVID-19 as a political bullet.


"In any country when a disaster occurs, the political elements that are at odds must first make peace, immediately lighten the burden of the people together. After the disaster has passed, please if you want to continue the feud," he said.


This member of Commission III of the DPR RI remembered how the tsunami that hit Aceh was handled. At that time, he said, the government and the contra could ease tensions.


"We remember that during the Aceh tsunami in 2004, the TNI and GAM immediately took a peace break, and then there was permanent peace with the Helsinki MoU. If the war of dar-der-dor can only be peaceful, a period with only different political views cannot be peaceful," said Habiburokhman.


Habiburrokhman reminded that this pandemic is global in nature and occurs throughout the world. In fact, all countries do not have a reference to solve a problem of this magnitude.


"There must be many problems here and there in the handling. The most important thing is that we can jointly evaluate and take corrective actions," he said.


Previously, Deputy Chairperson of the Democratic Party (Waketum PD) Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono or Ibas reminded the government about handling COVID-19. He also questioned when Indonesia would be free from the viciousness of the deadly virus.


"COVID-19 is getting more and more 'ferocious'. Many families, friends, and in our environment have been exposed and even died. How long will our nation continue like this?" said Ibas, Wednesday.


The chairman of the DPR Democrat Party faction has warned the state to be able to save people's lives. Because, Ibas does not want Indonesia to be called a 'failed nation' or 'failed nation'.


"Don't let our country be called a 'failed nation' due to the country's inability to save its people," he said.


"What is wrong with Mr. AHY and Mr. Ibas criticism?" said Chairman of the Democratic Party Bappilu Andi Arief to reporters, Thursday, July 8.


Andi Arief said that AHY and Ibas' criticism had a basis. According to him, when COVID cases in many countries began to decline, Indonesia was in great threat because the daily number of cases continued to break records.


"The fact is that the government has inconsistent schemes regarding lockdowns, vaccines, and a number of health tests," said Andi Arief.


Andi Arief asked the government coalition parties not to speak to please President Jokowi. Andi Arief hopes that AHY and Ibas' criticisms will be heard.


"The coalition parties supporting Jokowi are not expected to be ABS (as long as you are happy). Do not become the 2nd Harmoko in the history of the Republic of Indonesia," said Andi Arief criticizing.