Sanctions For Companies Who Are Still implementing WFO During Emergency Community Activity Restrictions Period, IDR 50 Million Fine To Permit Revocation

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency, Andri Yansyah, said that his party has prepared sanctions for companies that employ employees exceeding the capacity stated in the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). The sanctions range from closing to a fine of IDR 50 million

"For offices that clearly violate the health protocols that we have set for now, in implementing the Emergency PPKM, we will immediately close them temporarily for 3 days", Andri told reporters at Regional Police (Polda) Metro Jaya, Tuesday, July 6.

However, if the companies that have been sanctioned remain stubborn, Andri continued, other sanctions will be given. The companies must pay a fine of IDR 50 million.

"If after we close and monitor the office and still violate the provisions, we will apply an administrative fine of at most IDR 50 million", he said.

In fact, if they are still stubborn or violated three times, strict sanctions for revocation of the business license will be carried out. This sanction is given so that all levels of society can comply with the Emergency PPKM policy.

"If after that I monitor they are still stubborn and violate the applicable provisions, we will recommend to One-Stop Integrated Investment and Service Agency (BPMPTSP) to revoke the operational permit", he said.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan revealed that the DKI Provincial Government had carried out impromptu inspections (sidak) to 74 business places in Jakarta during the emergency PPKM period.

"Today, inspections were carried out at 74 locations in Jakarta. Of the 74 examined, 59 were closed", Anies said in a virtual press conference, Monday, July 5.

Anies felt the need to warn entrepreneurs to comply with the emergency PPKM rules. Only essential and critical business sectors may apply for work from office. Meanwhile, other business sectors are required to work from home 100 percent.

If the place of business still persists in violating the capacity rules during the emergency PPKM, Anies threatened to impose a more severe sanction than the temporary closure, namely the revocation of the business license.

"The government has the authority not only to close but to revoke business licenses. If they continue to violate, they will be temporarily closed and their business licenses may be revoked", said Anies.