Have Hanging Plants At Home? Here Are 5 Ways To Take Care Of Them

JAKARTA - Planting is becoming a very popular trend. For those of you who want to try planting but are hesitant because of the narrow land, you can try hanging plants and place them on the terrace or in front of the house window. Not only will it improve the aesthetics of the house, but you will also feel more comfortable while at home. Well, before intending to try, first consider how to care for the following hanging plants:

Know the types of ornamental plants

Generally, most plants can be grown in pots as you wish, but some plants with extensive or long roots can damage the pot. So, it is important to know in detail the type of plant you want to treat.

Also, find out the details of the treatment according to the type so you don't have any problems in the future. For beginners and don't want to be bothered, you can choose tropical plants because of their heat-resistant characters and adaptability to the environment, such as hibiscus flowers, euphorbia, Paris lilies, and Fuschia.

Choose a pot according to the character of the plant

Avoid choosing just because of how it looks. Pots are crucial when choosing ornamental plants. Apart from the fact that pots are made up of various materials such as plastic, ceramic, or clay, choosing the right pot will also affect the right level of humidity. For example, if you want to plant pitcher plants, it would be better if you use a clay pot because it has a more precise character.

Adjust the hanger

When choosing a rope for hanging plants, not only based on strength but also beauty. We recommend that you do not use ordinary ropes so that the view of the house looks more beautiful and Instagramable.

Place it in a cool area

Choose a cool area that is protected from direct sunlight to place hanging plants so that their growth is maximized. However, make sure to keep doing regular light for 1-2 hours every morning. Also, pay attention to the location of hanging plants so that they are not close to people passing by at home. This is to avoid collisions between the pot and people passing by.

Prune regularly

Another form of attention is to trim the plant regularly to make it look beautiful. Take the time to do the pruning and make sure you only cut the parts that can be controlled such as twigs, stems, to leaves. This process is also important when the plant is exposed to pests so as to avoid the spread of pests to other plant parts. In addition, you can also chat with plants so that their growth is more fertile.