Anies Baswedan Regarding The Extention Of Micro-Based Community Activity Restrictions: The Capital City Needs Extra Attention

JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, has extended the period of application of restrictions on micro-based community activities (PPKM) from today until June 28.

This is stated in Governor's Decree Number 759 of 2021 and Governor's Instruction Number 39 of 2021.

Anies said that currently, DKI has the potential to face the critical phase of COVID-19. The spike in active cases, which has risen significantly in recent weeks, has forced all parties to be more vigilant in preventing the capital city from entering the critical phase after the Eid holiday.

Based on last year's experience, if Jakarta enters the critical phase, the DKI Provincial Government must pull the emergency brake which will have an impact on the economy.

"The capital city is now in a condition that requires extra attention. If the current conditions are out of control, we will enter a critical phase, and if that phase occurs, then we must take drastic steps like what happened in September and February last year. We don't want that event to happen again", said Anies in his statement, Tuesday, June 15.

Therefore, Anies said, there needs to be intervention from all parties, as well as the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the regulation on the extension of micro-based PPKM, the synergy of PPKM implementation with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) ranks, to the entire community.

Later, this strengthening will be implied in various activities, such as joint operations to form collective discipline.

“For that, the two elements must work together. The elements of the people, the government, and law enforcement must collaborate, the community runs 3M and we (in the government) all implement 3T", explained Anies.

Anies said that currently, DKI has received cases with a new variant of COVID-19 which spreads more quickly. This should make citizens more alert and aware of the dangers of COVID-19 and its mutations.

He reminded that all activities such as offices, restaurants, cafes, restaurants, entertainment facilities, and gathering places must limit the capacity to 50 percent.

"This is a warning to all of us, let's be vigilant, let's come back more disciplined. Likewise, operating hours must be adhered to, at 9 pm must be completed, must be closed. If it remains open, we will discipline, we will give sanctions according to the provisions, there are no exceptions. Everyone, let's take responsibility", he concluded.

It is known that there is an increase in the occupancy of COVID-19 patients. As of May 14, 2021, the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) specifically for COVID-19 increased significantly.

The isolation bed capacity of 7.341 is filled by 5.752 or has touched 78 percent and the ICU of 1.086 is filled 773 or 71 percent. In fact, as of May 31, 2021, the capacity of isolation beds in Jakarta is still at 33 percent and ICU at 36 percent.