Careless Appointment Of Expert Staff, Asabri Boss: I Fired 6 People, Can't Read Financial Statements

JAKARTA - The President Director of PT Asuransi Sosial Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia or Asabri (Persero) R Wahyu Suparyono revealed the bad management of the company when he joined Asabri, namely the careless appointment of expert staff. According to him, this ugliness makes it prone to corruption.

Furthermore, Wahyu said, after being appointed by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir to be the main director, he fired six expert staff who were chosen at random.

"I dismissed 6 expert staff in the week I worked," he said during a hearing (RDP) with Commission VI of the DPR RI, at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Wednesday, June 9.

Wahyu said his decision to fire the expert staff was due to the appointment of the expert staff without the approval of the board of directors.

"So the president director (previously) signed his own appointment of expert staff, this is dangerous for the internal control installation. So this collegial collective is very important in the financial industry," he said.

In fact, Wahyu said, when checking the capabilities of expert staff, they did not have the ability to read reports. So, it is possible to work as an expert staff whose job is to advise.

"I said, what can you do? Can't you just read the report, how do you give advice? Luckily I didn't ask for details on how you do fundamental analysis, this is the financial industry," he said.

To improve the health of the company, said Wahyu, the main key is to resolve the integrity problem of its officials. Even though its officials are required to pass an examination from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), this does not guarantee that corruption crimes will disappear in state companies.

Therefore, Wahyu asked several parties such as the National Police, the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Finance, and the Attorney General's Office to tighten supervision. This effort is to prevent corruption from happening again.

"So I think that in order to clean up PT Asabri, integrity must first be resolved, after that those who are helping must be finished," he explained.

For your information, PT Asabri had stumbled upon a corruption problem that cost the state Rp22.78 trillion. The Attorney General's Office has named nine people as suspects, including private parties Benny Tjokrosaputro, Heru Hidayat, Lukman Purnomosidi, and Jimmy Sutopo.

Meanwhile, the company's directors are Sonny Widjaja, Adam Rachmat Damiri, Hari Setiono, and Bachtiar Effendi, and Ilham Wardhana Siregar. The nine suspects have been in detention since February 2021.