His Name Is Trending After Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment, Gofar Hilman: I'm Sure I Didn't Do That

JAKARTA - The word 'Gofar' has been trending on Twitter social media since last Tuesday. This happened after a user revealed allegations of sexual harassment by YouTuber and host Gofar Hilman.

The account @quweenjojo explained that he experienced the unpleasant incident when he met Gofar at an event in Malang, East Java. Just then, Gofar hugged himself from behind and started to put his hands inside the woman's clothes.

Gofar's hand suddenly went into my shirt. One hand from above, another from below. I'm in shock. That's where Gofar's hands started to 'ruffle' my sensitive body parts", she said in a thread she made.

Shocked, the woman was even surprised because a man who saw the incident even said, "Why don't you want to be comforted?", but the woman asked Gofar to let go of his hand.

After that, another man immediately pulled the woman away from Gofar. As of this writing, the thread has received 83,000 likes and has been retweeted 21,000 times.

Seeing his name mentioned in the thread, Gofar Hilman wrote a statement denying the mentioned actions.

"In terms of allegations of harassment, here I'm sure I didn't do that, there were two people who accompanied me at that time, 1 girl on the committee and 1 guy as my assistant, they took care of me until I got in the car at the end of the event", he said.

Furthermore, Gofar is ready to solve the problem legally and asks anyone to confirm the accusations to the two witnesses.

Gofar and his team also tried to contact the woman who wrote the thread to solve the case.