Ministry Of Religion And France Explore Cooperation On Halal Product Assurance

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion's Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) received a visit from the French Embassy who wanted to explore cooperation on Halal Product Assurance (JPH).

"Today we accept the visit of French Embassy in Jakarta to discuss the cooperation of Halal Product Assurance between France and Indonesia," said the Acting Head of BPJPH Mastuki in his written statement, Wednesday.

He said that the Indonesian government was always open to international cooperation in the field of JPH in accordance with the mandate of the law.

He explained that according to Government Regulation (PP) Number 39 of 2021, international cooperation of JPH can be carried out between the two countries in the form of JPH development, conformity assessment, and/or recognition of halal certificate.

International cooperation in halal product development includes the development of technology, human resources, and facilities and infrastructure for guaranteeing halal products. This collaboration is carried out by BPJPH with the government or other institutions in the local country.

Then international cooperation in conformity assessment includes mutual recognition and mutual acceptance of conformity assessment results.

Meanwhile, international cooperation in the recognition of halal certificates is a mutual recognition collaboration carried out by BPJPH with local foreign halal institutions to issue halal certificates.

"However, if there are no foreign halal institutions in the local country, then business actors are required to carry out halal certification to BPJPH," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of the Economic Department of the French Embassy in Jakarta, Arnaud Tripet, stated that his party wanted to increase the cooperative relationship with Indonesia that has been well established for a long time, especially through the halal product trade sector.

"We hope this to be an improved synergy, especially in halal product trade. Therefore we feel the need to get a detailed explanation from BPJPH regarding cooperation in guaranteeing halal products with the Indonesian government," said Tripet.

On the other hand, the Head of BPJPH Halal Standardization and Cooperation Center Siti Aminah said when this number of countries are also coordinating with BPJPH to prepare for cooperation. The preparation of this international cooperation is carried out by BPJPH in coordination with the relevant Ministries/Institutions.

Siti also said that currently there are a number of institutions from France that intend to collaborate with BPJPH.

"With the G-to-G (Government to Government) cooperation between the two countries, BPJPH cooperation with foreign halal institutions can be carried out," he said.