Sad News From Aceh, 15 People Died Due To COVID-19 In The Last 24 Hours

JAKARTA - The Aceh COVID-19 Handling Task Force stated that 15 additional people from the province who were infected with the coronavirus died, bringing the total number of dead cases to 596.

"The number of COVID-19 cases that have died has increased by 15 in the last 24 hours", said the spokesman of Aceh COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Monday, May 31.

He explained that the addition of dozens of patients who died was at most Banda Aceh residents who reached six people, residents of Aceh Besar, Nagan Raya, and Aceh Tamiang each two people and residents of Aceh Singkil, Sabang and Langsa are both one person.

In addition to the death cases, he continued, as of today, there were also 116 new cases of corona positive residents including 58 people from Banda Aceh, 25 Aceh people, seven Aceh Tengah three people, Aceh Jaya and South Aceh, then two people from East Aceh, Pidie and Bener Meriah.

“And also residents of West Aceh, North Aceh, Bireuen, Southwest Aceh, Nagan R aya, Lhokseumawe, and Langsa, one person each and seven other people from outside the Aceh area", he said.

In addition, as of today, 132 COVID-19 patients have been declared cured, namely Banda Aceh residents 57 people, Langsa 12 people, Gayo Lues 14, Lhokseumawe four, Aceh Besar six, South Aceh three, North Aceh and Aceh Tamiang two and one resident of Sabang, Bireuen and West Aceh.

"Thank God, 132 patients with COVID-19 were reported to have recovered. We pray that other patients will also be healthy again," he said.

He said all Acehnese people should pray that the COVID-19 sufferers who are being treated and isolated in hospitals will recover soon. In addition, it also continues to make individual and social efforts to decide the transmission of the coronavirus in the community.

"Individual efforts are to carry out health protocols for those who are healthy, carry out health checks if you have just returned from a transmission area or have symptoms of fever and dry cough," he said.

Individual steps can stop the transmission of the coronavirus if it has resided in the main respiratory tract, even though there are no symptoms. Maintaining personal health and protecting others from the threat of disease is everyone's obligation, he said.

Meanwhile, social and collective efforts can be realized through Gampong COVID-19 Handling Task Force, by fully supporting the examination process, tracking cases by health workers so that there is no rejection during the collection of nasal swab test and throat fluids.

“The sooner positive cases are found, the less chance of spreading the coronavirus to other people in the village. Another collective social effort is through the support and supervision of COVID-19 sufferers who are self-isolating", he said.

So far, the COVID-19 case in the area known as Tanah Rencong has reached 15.017 people, including 11.770 survivors who have recovered, patients 2.651 people are being treated and 596 people have died.