Total Lunar Eclipse Will Cross Aceh's Sky On May 26, Aceh Ministry Of Religion: Don't Associate It With Disaster

JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Aceh Province stated that the total lunar eclipse will cross the Aceh sky on Wednesday, May 26, and residents are advised to pray khusuf.

"The lunar eclipse will occur for approximately five hours and two minutes if it is counted since the penumbra and total eclipses occurred," said the Head of the Aceh Ministry of Religion Office Iqbal in Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 19.

He explained that the lunar eclipse is expected to occur since 15.47 western Indonesia time starting with the penumbra lunar eclipse.

Then the start of the total eclipse will occur at 18.11 western Indonesia time, and the peak at 18.18 western Indonesia time, until it ends at 18.25 western Indonesia time. Furthermore, the end of the penumbra occurred at 20.39 western Indonesia time.

"Based on information from the Aceh Ministry of Religion Falakiyah Team, this eclipse can be observed in all regions of Indonesia," said Iqbal.

Iqbal mentioned the occurrence of the lunar eclipse as proof of the power of Allah SWT. For this reason, during the lunar eclipse, Muslims are encouraged to perform special prayers, increase their dhikr and other acts of worship.

"Do not associate a lunar eclipse with death, calamity, or other bad things because a lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon to emphasize the majesty and greatness of Allah," he said.

The Regional Office of Aceh's Ministry of Religion will continue to socialize the process of the lunar eclipse and the procedures for worshiping the special sunnah prayers to the people in the Veranda of Mecca.

"Khusuf prayer can be carried out in mosque or mushala, then continued with a few lectures at the moment of the eclipse, it is advised after Maghrib prayer in congregation," he said.

Meanwhile, Falakiyah expert at the Aceh Ministry of Religion, Alfirdaus Putra said, because the eclipse occurs before the moon rises in the east, the lunar eclipse can be observed directly after the sun sets across Aceh, in the east, in the form of a full crescent moon.

"People can monitor the process of the eclipse by looking directly to the east when the sun sets," he said.

His party will observe the eclipse on the third floor of the Aceh Ministry of Religion Regional Office building using five astronomical telescopes.

"The observation is carried out by implementing health protocol, only officers can be present at the location. While the public can watch it through the social media accounts of the Regional Office of Aceh's Ministry of Religion," he said.