The National Police Conduct Random Rapid Test To 3,250 Travelers, Resulting In 24 Covid-19 Positive People

JAKARTA - A total of 36.468 vehicles were requested to turn around by the National Police in line with the policy of banning Eid homecoming in 2021, on Saturday, May 15. Consists of 16.607 two-wheeled units, 16.388 four-wheeled units, 284 two-wheeled passenger units, and 3.189 units of freight vehicles.

"The total vehicles inspected as many as 50.315 units. 36.468 were asked to turn around because they did not (meet, red) the predetermined requirements", said Police Public Relations Chief Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Sunday, May 16.

Argo explained that the number of vehicles that are asked to turn back is the result of sealing at 22 points on toll roads, 147 points on non-toll roads or arteries, and 212 on alternative lanes.

In addition to the control of vehicles, the National Police also conducted random rapid tests in between sealing. Out of 3.250 rapid tests conducted on travelers, 24 people were confirmed positive for COVID-19. While 3.226 people, declared negative.


"Another activity that we did was the distribution of masks to the community as many as 1.968 times", said the two-star general.


Argo added that in order to minimize the surge in the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the National Police has also monitored a number of tourist attractions in Jakarta. Such as Ancol, TMII, and Ragunan. Also, a number of tourist attractions in West Java such as, Pangandaran Beach.


"The results of monitors and Collection of information materials (pulbaket) related to the situation of Public Order and Security (Kamtibmas) and traffic currents in tourist sites are generally safe and conducive. Beach attractions are relatively conducive, there is no concentration of tourists that exceed the normal limit," said Argo.