76 Indonesian Migrant Workers Released from Confinement in Cambodia, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia: Victims of TIP

JAKARTA - As many as 76 Indonesian citizens (WNI) were rescued from confinement in a company in Chrey Thum City, Kandal Province, Cambodia.

In a written statement, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Phnom Penh explained that those who were rescued were Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). 

"The process of evacuation, the Indonesian Embassy coordinated with the Cambodian National Police, after successfully releasing the PMIs, then evacuated them to a safe place in Phnom Penh in two waves. 17 PMI on May 3 and PMI 59 on May 8," explained the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh, Saturday 8 May.

Furthermore, he explained, in the interview process conducted by the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh, there was a strong suspicion that these migrant workers were victims of the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TIP) through fraud, threat of fines, and imprisonment.

In addition, the company where PMI works also did not respond positively to the communication efforts made by the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh. After coordinating with the Cambodian National Police, the case was prosecuted according to the Cambodian law.

"Currently the Indonesian citizens are in good health and have undergone a health protocol in the form of a PCR test and are undergoing a 14-day quarantine," explained the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Pehn.

In the future, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh will continue to oversee the legal process in this case, including fulfilling the rights of PMIs as well as facilitating their return to Indonesia.

In addition, for domestic processes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will coordinate with Indonesian law enforcement officials to take legal action against those responsible for dispatching PMIs to Cambodia.