Civil Servants Still Complain That THR Is Not Full, Minister Of Home Affairs Tito: Must Be Grateful And Thankful To Sri Mulyani And Mr. Jokowi

JAKARTA - The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Tito Karnavian, spoke about the complaints of civil servants (PNS) about the amount of religious holiday allowance (THR) in 2021. According to Tito, it should be in this difficult condition, state servants are grateful that they still get THR.

"That's why we thank the Minister of Finance (Sri Mulyani) and Mr. President (Joko Widodo), we are still given THR in the midst of a difficult situation. We must be very grateful," he said at the 2021 National Development Planning Conference, which was held at the State Palace, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 4.

Therefore, Tito also asked regional heads to provide understanding to civil servants in their regions to understand the reduced amount of THR for Lebaran this year.

"In a situation of heavy financial contraction like this, the government still provides the THR, we must be grateful. We civil servants can still have the THR," he explained.

Tito also asked civil servants to have empathy for private employees. The pandemic situation caused many private companies to fall, and some even went bankrupt. While civil servants are still working, they even get THR.

"If you look at the others, people who do not work, people who are unemployed, now millions of them do not get anything. Who wants to give THR. So please, friends, regional heads give understanding to ASN in the regions, be grateful for what is already there. Employee spending is a huge portion in the APBD, given THR again, must be grateful," he said.

For your information, recently there has been an online petition regarding the 2021 THR for PNS. The petition is entitled '2021 THR & ASN-13 Salary Less than Jakarta's UMR: Full Returns Like 2019'.

The emergence of this petition after the government determined that the THR for PNS was not fully disbursed. THR for PNS 2021 is only in the form of basic salary and attached allowances. The attached allowance is the family allowance, food allowance, and occupational or general allowance.

The petition rejects the THR and the 13th salary of state civil servants (ASN) which are considered smaller than the Jakarta UMR, because the THR given contains only the basic salary, without any performance allowance (tukin).

The petition was started by Romansyah H and addressed to President Jokowi, the Minister of Finance, as well as the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the DPR. The petition was signed by 17,955 accounts. The number of petitions filled out continues to grow.

Several civil servants who signed the petition also expressed disappointment. For example, complaints about regional civil servant allowances, which he considered were always neglected.