COVID-19 Offices Cluster In Jakarta Increases, PAN Party: It's Because Of Weak Monitoring!

JAKARTA - Member of the PAN Party Faction at the DKI Regional Representatives Council (DPRD DKI), Lukmanul Hakim, criticized the lack of supervision by the Jakarta Provincial Government due to the increase in the COVID-19 office cluster in Jakarta.

He saw that the lack of supervision from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was evident from the traffic jams in the capital city in the morning and evening. Then, many face-to-face meetings have also been held.

"It is clear that the micro-scale restrictions on the community activity (PPKM) rules, 50 percent at home then 50 percent at the office. But the facts on the ground are that public transportation has started to fill up, roads are jammed, meaning that the supervision of the provincial government is weak", Lukmanul told reporters, Wednesday, April 28.

Lukmanul asked the ranks of the Department of Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy (Disnakertrasgi) as well as the Jakarta Civil service police (Satpol PP) to increase supervision of health protocols in the workplace.

Lukmanul understands that the ranks of the DKI Disnakertrasi and Satpol PP are not comparable to the number of companies in Jakarta which reach tens of thousands. Therefore, he asked the Office of Communication, Informatics, and Statistics (Diskominfotik) to help supervise through the Jakarta Smart City system.

"The Ministry of Communication and Informatics should have participated in systemic surveillance. There is a Jakarta Smart City, which is a sophisticated system to track violations of COVID rules can oversee offices to apply the 50 percent rule or not", he said.

For information, in its Instagram account, the DKI Provincial Government noted an increase in hundreds of positive cases of COVID-19 in offices in just one week.

In the period 5-11 April 2021, it is said that there were 157 cases of COVID-19 in offices. Cases spread from 78 offices in the capital. Then on April 12-18, the number of cases increased to 425 people in 177 offices. This means, there are an additional 268 patients in one week.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that his staff would find out the cause of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in office clusters over the past week.

"Indeed, the office cluster has increased in the last few weeks. We are now checking again what is the cause", said Deputy Governor Riza, Monday, April 26.

Riza suspects that the increase in office clusters is caused by the transmission of the coronavirus to employees who travel from home to work and vice versa. Then, there is the possibility of weakening the application of health protocols in office environments.

"We ask all the COVID-19 Task Force in every existing office, then the leaders, employees, workers, laborers, and so on, have to be even tighter, more careful", he said.