Most Common Factors That Cause The Appearance Of Plaque

JAKARTA - Tartar is a layer of dirt or plaque that has accumulated as a result of the mineralization process. The tartar that has accumulated on the teeth will be yellowish or brownish on the gum line. If it is severe, tartar does not only stick to the gums but also on the teeth, thereby reducing the beauty of the natural color of the teeth. Manual scaling or ultrasonic scaler is usually performed to clean it.

The accumulated tartar not only spoils a person's appearance but can also trigger several diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, cavities, and bad breath. But, what exactly causes tartar to appear? If you are curious, VOI editorial team provides more information.

Rarely brushing teeth

If you are lazy to brush your teeth, it is likely that food leftover on your teeth will stay in between the gums so that bacteria will nest in the gum line. Bacteria from these food scraps will accumulate and cause plaque or tartar.


Not only damaging the lungs, but smoking can also cause plaque because the chemicals contained in cigarettes can form plaque on the teeth.

Drinking soda

Drinking soft drinks or soda frequently can increase the appearance of tartar or plaque because soft drinks contain sharp properties that can damage the enamel or the outer layer of the teeth.

Consuming sweet foods too often

The sweet treats that remain on your teeth can turn into a source for bacteria. Your teeth will be damaged due to these bacteria-producing acids that destroy tooth enamel. As a result, tartar or plaque appears. Therefore, after consuming candy or chocolate, it is highly recommended that you brush your teeth immediately.