Sad News Comes From Sukabumi, 204 COVID-19 Patients Have Died

JAKARTA - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 noted that up to now, 204 patients had been confirmed positive for COVID-19 scattered in the City and District of Sukabumi, West Java.

Those who died were undergoing special treatment in the isolation room of the referral hospital where 99 patients were residents of Sukabumi City and 105 patients were from Sukabumi Regency.

"In the last few days, the number of deaths of COVID-19 patients who are undergoing isolation at the referral hospital has increased, as on Wednesday, April 15, there were two patients who died, namely a 68-year-old man, a resident of Limusnunggal Kelurahan, Cibeuruem District and a 58-year-old woman. from Dayeuhluhur Village, Warudoyong District. Both of them died apart from contracting COVID-19, they were also comorbid or had comorbidities, "said the spokesperson for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Sukabumi City, Wahyu Handriana in Sukabumi, Friday, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 17.

He added that on Friday, April 16, the number of cases of death increased again by one patient, namely an 81-year-old man, a resident of Cibeureumhilir Village, Cibeureum District. This patient died at RSUD R Syamsudin SH while he was undergoing isolation.

In addition to the cause of death due to being infected with the deadly virus and elderly people, the patient also suffers from a comorbid, namely a blockage in the intestinal organs so that they cannot digest food normally.

Thus, the total number of residents of Sukabumi City who have died from COVID-19 has reached 99 people. The majority of patients who died were elderly and had comorbidities, although some of them died purely due to being infected with COVID-19.

"Apart from the number of patients who died on Friday, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 has increased by 14, bringing the total to 3,836 patients. Of these 3,488 patients have been declared cured, 249 are still undergoing isolation and 99 patients have died," he added.

Meanwhile, Public Relations of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Sukabumi Regency, Eneng Yulia, said this Friday there was an additional case of the patient's death confirmed positive for the virus that was first found in Wuhan, China, so that the total in the largest district in Java and Bali has 106 residents. died from COVID-19.

The patient who died was a 44-year-old woman, a resident of Cicantayan District. Apart from suffering from COVID-19, from his medical record, this patient also has a history of diabetes meilitus. According to him, from the results of the reports he received, the majority of patients who died apart from being elderly also had comorbidity.

Not only the number of cases of death has increased, the latest data on the development of COVID-19 in Sukabumi District, but the number of confirmed positive cases and recovered patients has also increased by seven each.

Thus, the total population confirmed positive reached 4,225 people, 4,024 of whom had recovered, 95 patients were still undergoing isolation and 106 patients died.

"The cases of residents who have contracted COVID-19 and patients who have died are still increasing. Therefore, even though there is now a vaccine, residents are urged to continue to apply the 5M health protocol and not to take the existence of this virus lightly. The Sukabumi Regency Government is still trying to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 19 and intensively carry out vaccinations," he said.