In The Aftermath Of Ronald Tannur's Case, The Head Of The Surabaya District Court Was Sanctioned Non-Palu 2 Years
JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) of the Supreme Court (MA) has imposed ethical sanctions on five Surabaya District Court officials regarding the Gregorius Ronald Tannur case. One of them, Rudi Suparmono, who is the Chairman of the Surabaya District Court.
The spokesman for the Supreme Court, Yanto, said that the sanctions imposed on Rudi Suparmono were non-palu or not allowed to examine and try cases.
"Brother R, who used to be the head of the Surabaya District Court, committed a serious disciplinary violation against the person concerned and was sentenced to a non-fake sentence of 2 years," Yanto told reporters, Thursday, January 2.
Then, based on the results of the examination conducted by the Supreme Court Supervisory Body, Deputy Chairperson of the Surabaya District Court Dju Johnson Mira Mangngi was also declared to have violated ethics. However, only minor violations.
However, the Supreme Court still imposes ethical sanctions on him in the form of written statements.
"Brother D, previously the Head of the Surabaya District Court, committed a minor disciplinary violation. Therefore, the person concerned was given a light sanction in the form of a written statement of not being satisfied," he said.
Meanwhile, the other three violators, namely RA, Y, and UA. They are staff of the Surabaya District Court.
The results of the examination, the three of them were declared to have committed serious ethical violations. Thus, they were sentenced to dismissal.
"Therefore, the person concerned was sentenced to severe disciplinary penalties in the form of being released from office to be the executor for 12 months," said Yanto.