Regent Muhammad Thaher Helps Installing Church Roof In Southeast Maluku: Hopefully By The End Of The Year It Can Be Used

MALUKU - Southeast Maluku Regent Muhammad Thaher Hanubun along with government officials helped residents installing the roof of the new church of the GPM Ohoidertawun congregation.

After helping to install the roof of the church, Regent Muhammad Thaher hopes that the church that has been built since August 2019 can be used soon.

"The construction of houses of worship is unlike in the past with the help of the local government which is only IDR 50 million. Now the state money of hundreds of millions to billions through the local government is given to help the construction of houses of worship", said Regent Thaher reported by Antara, Thursday, April 15.

The new church building of the GPM Ohoidertawun congregation was built using a grant of IDR 1 billion from the Southeast Maluku Regency Government as well as donations from donors and members of the GPM Ohoidertawun congregation.

"The budget is considered enough to complete, perhaps less for the finishing (of the settlement) only", he added.

The regent hopes that the church will be completed and can be used by the end of 2021.

"Today the roof is finished, and the ceiling is ready, I hope by the end of this year the building process is finished", he said.