The Indonesian Ulema Council: COVID-19 Patients May Not Fast

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) states that people who are positively confirmed as COVID-19 are allowed not to fast during Ramadan. This is already based on the advice of the doctor, especially patients who have severe symptoms.

"If fasting has an impact on their health condition, then they may not fast", MUI chairman of fatwa Asrorun Niam Sholeh said in a virtual press conference in Jakarta, Monday, April 12.

As for those who are confirmed positive and not symptomatic or OTG, it is still possible to fast and worship is done in a quarantine place.

However, he continued, those who confirmed positive COVID-19 are not allowed to join the congregation because of the potential to transmit and spread the virus to others.

"For our brothers and sisters who are exposed to COVID-19, their worship activities are carried out in a place where they are quarantined so as not to transmit it to others. To some extent, they are forbidden to perform worship activities that have the potential to transmit", explained Asrorun Niam.

Even if you choose not to fast, he continued, the MUI recommends consulting a doctor.

Asrorun Niam said, that for someone who is exposed to COVID-19 and decides not to fast, can do it in another month or when he is cured.

"If he does not fast, later, he must do it when he is healed. But it could be that under certain conditions, he did not recover, he died not yet had time to fast, he did not sin. He is in no position to be subjected to legal burdens", he explained.