Muhammadiyah: COVID-19 Patients Without Symptoms Are Not Obliged To Fast

JAKARTA - The Central Board of Muhammadiyah stated that patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19, including those who are not symptomatic or People Without Symptoms (OTG) are not obliged to fast.

"Ramadan fasting is obligatory except for people who are sick and their immune condition is not good. People who are confirmed positive for COVID-19, both symptomatic and not symptomatic (OTG) belong to the group of sick people", wrote Muhammadiyah Central Chairman Haedar Nashir in an official statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, April 12.

Haedar explained that it is listed in the first point in the Circular Letter of Muhammadiyah Central Leadership on Ramadan 1442 Hijri Worship.

In addition to COVID-19 positive patients, Muhammadiyah also excludes health workers from fasting.

To maintain immunity and in order to be careful to prevent the COVID-19 infection, health workers can leave Ramadan fasting with the provision of fasting after Ramadan.

Vaccination can be done when fasting and does not break the fast because it is given not through the mouth or other body cavities, such as the nose and does not satisfy the desire, and is not a filling food substance.

There are also people around the place where there is COVID-19 transmission, congregational prayers, both fardu prayers, Friday prayers, and Tarawih prayers are performed in their homes to avoid the transmission of coronavirus.

However, if there is no transmission, congregational prayers can be performed in mosques or other places with regard to health protocols.

In addition, Islamic studies that go hand in hand with congregational prayer activities can be done by reducing the duration of time so as not to be too long and still apply health protocols.

"However, if there are positive cases of COVID-19 in the region, Islamic studies should be conducted online or to distribute materials to worshippers at home", Haedar Nashir said.