BNN Endus Illegal Drug Plants In The Middle Of West Java Residents' Settlements

JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) found a drug factory in the middle of a residential area in West Java (West Java), Thursday, November 7.
The factory raid was based on the development of the disclosure of a house that was used as a production site for illegal drugs in the Sumedang area on Monday, November 4.
Based on a written statement from the BNN Public Relations and Protocol Bureau, Antara, from the findings of the illegal drug factory, a number of suspects were arrested.
The evidence that was secured from the factory is estimated to reach hundreds of thousands of pills of illegal drugs.
Sementara penggerebekan di Sumedang, petugas mengamankan tujuh tersangka dan barang bukti obat jenis Thp/Hexymer atau Triheksendil siap edar.
Furthermore, the suspect and evidence were handed over to the West Java Regional Police for further investigation.
Meanwhile, until this news was made, there was no further information regarding the discovery of a factory in West Java today.