287 Families Victims Of Mount Ruang Eruption Will Place Huntap In North Sulawesi Modition

A total of 287 families (KK) became victims of the eruption of Mount Ruang in Siau-Tagulandang-Ayo (Sitaro) Islands Regency, North Sulawesi (Sulut).

They will occupy a relocation site in Modisi Village, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency.

"Maybe the previous data for 301 families is recorded data before the disaster," said North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Agency (BPPW) Commitment Making Officer (PPK) Billy Legi in Manado, Sunday, October 27, as reported by Antara.

However, after verification is carried out after the disaster, it is estimated that a family has moved or died. Thus, the data issued by the local government becomes 287 families.

"Family data that will occupy permanent residences there (Modition Village) is actually the domain of the local government," he said.

He said the relocation sites contained SPAM facilities, village offices and auxiliary health centers, Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW).

According to him, there are five churches that will be built in this location in accordance with the existing ones on Ruang Island, where residents of Pumpente Village and Laingpatehi Village lived previously.

"We are trying at least one church that can be used for worship ahead of Christmas celebrations," he said.

The five church buildings that will be built are two units for the congregation of the Sangihe Talaud Evangelical Church, two units for the Pantekosta Church congregation in Indonesia and one for the advocate congregation.

Previously, Mount Ruangan on the Island of Ruang rupsi on April 17 and April 30, 2024.

The second most violent eruption forced residents living in the hazard radius, including two villages in Gunung Ruang, Pumpente Village and Laingpatehi Village to be evacuated to the surrounding area in the Sitaro Islands, as well as several areas in Manado City, North Minahasa Regency, Minahasa Regency and Bitung City.

Residents who initially lived on Ruang Island were later not allowed to return and be relocated to Modisi Village, while Ruang Island will be used as a conservation area.