5 Ways To Overcome Sadness So That Life Is Happy Without A Burden

YOGYAKARTA Sadness often prevents a person from living happily without a burden. Sadness is a negative feeling, which according to research if we receive negative feelings will improve welfare. This finding looks paradoxical, how can accepting and overcoming sadness be more prosperous?

A person may not be happy because they think they have a barrier to achieving life without a burden. For example, you think you can be happy if you have a better job. Or you can be happier to have your own home, have a lot of love, have a good home, and have other reasons that often stress you. According to Meg Selig, the author of Silvermen's book: Thoughts on Growing Older, Tourists, and Happier, the relatively predictable daily life crisis, can make a person deal with stress. Furthermore, here's how to deal with feeling sad so that you can feel happiness without a burden.

When you recognize how sad you feel and label them, then putting them in the right perspective, it will help reduce stress. This method helps shift emotional parts of the brain - anger, disappointment, sadness - to the part of the brain that thinks so that it is in the right perspective.

Try to talk well to yourself. This can help find a calming moment. Then tell yourself that you don't need to feel guilty because you want happiness, joy, and relief in life. After that, find simple ways that allow you to enjoy small fun. For example going to the park, enjoying a cup of coffee and a piece of pie, or reading a book while listening to music. Also remind yourself that it's okay to have fun even though some of our lives may fall apart.

If you haven't started living a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy, and exercising regularly, it's time to start immediately. Exercise properly, eat properly, establish a warm relationship with your closest friends, get enough sleep, and refuse 'fake friends'. Avoid drinking alcohol excessively, lazy, or overeating.

In addition to living a healthy lifestyle, it is also important to create a sense of comfort by pursuing hobbies or other creative activities. For example, writing journals, gardening, community, or having fun.

If work makes you feel sad, place work difficulties in the job box' in your brain. Leave it there, and separate it from your household life. You can handle it again during working hours. Launch Psychology Today, taking a mental break from the problems you are facing can help you imagine a new solution to the problem.

Gratitude can make a person feel happier. Even though there is sadness because the daily critical conditions are stressful, they can still find loopholes to say gratitude. You can also only focus on happy moments.

That's how to deal with sadness to get a happy life without a burden. It's important to pay attention to, getting happiness must be pursued. That is, you have a responsibility for your own happiness, "explained Selig.