Legislation Body Of The House of Representatives: Title Amendment Of Alcohol Draft Law Is Just A Proposal

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the House of Representative (DPR RI), Achmad Baidowi said the discourse on changing the title of the Draft Law (RUU) on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks (Minol) to Restrict Alcohol, was only limited to a member proposal.

"It (the proposal to change the title of the Alcohol Draft Law) is just the members' proposal to change the title," said Awiek, Baidowi's nickname, in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 6.

The PPP politician revealed that the title of the Alcohol Bill had not been changed because some members of the Legislation Body still wanted the title Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks.

Awiek emphasized that PPP still proposes the title of the bill is the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks in accordance with the original proposal of the bill.

According to him, the discussion of the Alcohol Bill in the Legislation Body is still very dynamic. Including the proposed change in the title of the bill. Moreover, said Awiek, the dynamics of the discussion on the Alcohol Bill is still long. Because the Legislation Body will still hold a General Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with related parties.

"We need to conduct an RDPU with related parties so it will not be finished in the near future," he explained.

Previously, the Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the House of Representatives (DPR RI), Supratman Andi Agtas, proposed a change in the title of the Bill on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks (Minol) to the Bill on Regulation or Limitation of Alcoholic Drinks (Minol).

"I propose to change the title to regulations or restrictions on alcoholic drinks," said Supratman at the Meeting of Legislation Body at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday, April 5.

According to him, the context of regulating or limiting alcoholic drinks is because so far there have been many cases of excessive consumption so that a person experiences addiction.

For that, it is necessary to regulate and limit the minimum. The bill also regulates the rehabilitation process for someone who is addicted to alcohol.