5 Tips Stay Healthy When The Weather Is Hot

YOGYAKARTA Climate change seems to obscure the constraints of the season. The heat has been strong lately, it is important to respond to the practice of a harmonious lifestyle. To stay healthy when the weather is hot, follow the following tips.

Looking for information about important air temperature levels. This can be obtained from television, radio, application, or online sites. Cak weather every day as an anticipation.

When the temperature increases, you need to spend as much time as possible in a cool place. Plan a choice if the outside of the house is too hot. You can stay at home but still get good air circulation. You can also turn on the room controller with lower temperature. Choose a shady green space as a resting place.

Launching Harvard Health, mineral water is the best choice to fulfill fluids in the body. Limit drinking sweet drinks and caffeine. Better, drink mineral water plus fruits that contain a lot of water.

Fans help the air around the room to be relatively cold. If the air temperature is very high, it is important to wet clothes or skin so that the body doesn't get hot. When the sun is hot, move to a shady and number of locations.

If you have health problems or disability, or take certain drugs such as deurtic drugs, talk to your doctor about how best to deal with the hot weather.

It is also important to know about the disease due to hot weather, which includes heat rashes, hot cramps, fatigue, and hot shocks. when experiencing it, it is necessary to immediately take precautions so that it is not prolonged. If possible, immediately consult medically to the nearest health service.