Denies Dozens Of Luxury Bags From TPPU Harvey Moeis, Sandra Dewi: Endorsement Results

JAKARTA - Artist Sandra Dewi denied the indictment by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) regarding the ownership of dozens of branded bags which were said to have come from the crime of money laundering (TPPU) accused Harvey Moeis in the alleged tin corruption case.

According to him, the dozens of bags were the result of endorsements as public figures since 2012.

"In 2012 I started an endorsement, which is a form of advertising that uses a well-known figure, a famous artist, to promote an item," Sandra said while testifying at the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Thursday, October 10.

"In 2014, there were 23 more than 23 branded bag stores in Indonesia that netted syaa, which gave me bags," he continued.

Sandra Dewi emphasized that hundreds of brands have worked with her during the opening of the endorsement service, starting about 10 years ago. Because, Harvey Moeis' wife has 24.2 million followers on social media.

Responding to this testimony, Judge Eko Aryanto mentioned that in the prosecutor's indictment there were only 88 branded bags that were included in the list of assets suspected of being TPPU results.

Then, Sandra said that the bags she got from the endorsement had been sold.

"88 bags, right. But the rest that I didn't use, I sold. So I got this bag when I was wearing it, I took a photo, then I posted it. So I have a lot of this bag, endorsement and never bought by my husband because my husband knew I had gotten these bags from 2014," said Sandra.

Meanwhile, in the indictment file, the prosecutor confiscated dozens of brander bags such as Louis Vuitton and Hermes belonging to Sandra Dewi.

The confiscation was carried out because it was suspected that the dozens of bags were the result of the money laundering offense against the defendant Harvey Moeis in the alleged corruption case of Timah.