Getting To Know Complexes, Like-Saving Behavior To Ignore Personal Welfare

YOGYAKARTA Taking place and helping others is not impossible. But don't ignore personal welfare. If you forget your own needs and continue to be a savior of certain people, it's called a saliva complex. According to psychiatrist Cassandra Boduch, MD., the term saliva complex is also called mesias complex or white knights syndrome.

The rescue complex depicts someone who feels he has a mission to fulfill based on what they think is their special ability. So a saliva complex helps or saves other people is driven by missions assuming it has special abilities.

This behavior as a savior is not a condition that can be fomalally diagnosed. But some mental health professionals consider this condition to be related to clinical matters. Experts consider the motivation behind the rescue complex to affect a person mentally and emotionally. That is, if helping or cheating' other people is considered the purpose of living to the extent that it has a negative impact on their daily life, then it can be said that the person behaves as a screen complex.

But it's important to understand, if you are someone who likes to help and care, it doesn't mean you have a saliva complex. There are special signs to watch out for as a saliva complex, among others:

According to licensed mental health counselor GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC., looking for or interested in people who are 'rustrated' and make it a responsibility to help, save, or rehabilitate them as well as a sign of a SAVIOR Complex. It's also important to note, said Guarino, people with rescue complexes will struggle when they don't feel needed by others.

The cause of a person behaving as a savior is very complex. Someone who experiences it, has dealt with trauma or sadness. Especially those who have struggled with guilt for not helping someone who is important in their life. This can have an impact on any age, especially in childhood.

'Makes 'parents' or forced to take the responsibility of adults or like parents during childhood is another cause', explains Guarino. In addition, a person with low self-esteem, causes the emergence of a cover complex behavior.

Psychiatrist and researcher call Joseph, MD., MBA. reported by VeryWellMind, Friday, October 4, saying that those who have complex complexes are very hard on themselves and constantly check themselves, so it is very difficult for them to celebrate small joys. That's why someone with this rescue syndrome can experience depression.

How to overcome the behavior of the saliva complex, firstly it is important to recognize its signs. Second, it is important to ask yourself why you have to wash yourself all the time. It is also important to recognize what the motivation is and identify yourself introspectively so that it helps you uncover the causes of your actions congratulating'.

The second way to overcome the behavior of the screen complex, namely by trying to take care of yourself. By taking care of yourself, you also appreciate yourself more. Decide that validation and approval of others is not your focus. Also define things that bring love, whether it is by living a healthy lifestyle, spiritual activities, creative activities, and focus on your life.