Former Member Of The Las Vegas DPRD Using The Police Respect Statue Fund For Plastic Operation

JAKARTA - A Nevada politician in the United States (US) who has proven to have embezzled funds for the construction of a statue of respect for the police killed carries a 20-year prison sentence.

Citing KlaS-TV via ABC News, Friday, October 4, the statue fund was used by the politician, a former member of the Las Vegas City Council and state lawmaker for his personal political costs as well as plastic surgery.

This politician named Michele Fiore was found guilty in a trial of a related case on Thursday, October 3 local time.

A jury in the trial charged Fiore with six charges of federal fraud and a conspiracy allegation each of which was linked to financial fraud via electronic communications to enrich itself.

Any charges brought against Fiore, which failed to run for treasurer of the state of Nevada, open the possibility of a 20-year prison sentence.

Fiore, who has been suspended without a salary from his current election as a peace judge in Pahrump Village, Nevada, will receive a verdict by the panel of judges in this case on January 6, 2025.

Saat ini Fiore tidak ditahan sampai menunggu jatuhnya hukuman hakim.

Federal prosecutors said at the hearing that Fiore had raised more than 70,000 US dollars for the budget for the construction of a statue of the Las Vegas police honorary statue that was shot dead in 2014. However, the funds were spent by Fiore on personal political needs, plastic surgery, and financing his daughter's wedding.

"Michele Fiore uses tragedy to fill his pocket," said Federal Prosecutor Dahoud Askar.

Fiore, who does not have a law degree, was appointed judge in the very conservative Nye County by 2022.

The position was held by Fiore shortly after losing the campaign to become the treasurer of the country. Fiore served as a judge in Nye County to complete the term of service of the judge who died.