Commission II Of The House Of Representatives Calls 79 Regencies/Cities Bills Entering Plenary September 30, 2024

Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Ahmad Doli Kurnia said 79 Draft Laws on Regencies/Cities that had been discussed at the first level would then enter the plenary meeting on September 30, 2024.

Doli said it had been agreed at the Deliberation Body (Bamus) meeting which took place on Thursday, September 26.

According to him, the 79 Regency/City Bills are the last legislative products to be ratified at the end of the 2029-2024 DPR RI term.

"After yesterday the working meeting was completed here, the leadership was invited to the Bamus meeting, according to the September 30 agenda," said Doli at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta.

He explained that the urgency of designing dozens of laws was carried out to establish legal grounds for the formation of districts and cities in accordance with the 1945 Constitution because the formation of 79 regencies and cities was still based on the 1950 Temporary Basic Law (UUDS) during the time of the Republic of Indonesia.

If it is not adjusted, continued Doli, the district and city could experience jurisdictional problems and could be considered not part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

So far, said Doli, there are rules for the formation of several regions that are still members of one law. In fact, the 1945 Constitution mandates that every district, city and province must have one law each.

Doli added that the 79 Regency/City Bills that will be passed include the Regency/City III, VI, and V Bill clusters.

Previously, Commission II of the DPR RI had completed 27 Regency/City Bills in cluster I and 26 Regency/City Bills in cluster II.

"Alhamdulillah, now we have broken it, so each district, city, province must have one law," he said.