The Government Seriously Presents Pre-Employment Cards In Today's Memory, September 26, 2019

JAKARTA - Today's memory, five years ago, September 26, 2019, the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed its seriousness in working on the presence of Pre-Employment Cards. The Ministry of Finance revealed that currently the Pre-Employment Card program is being finalized from matters of training costs to incentives.

Previously, President Jokowi made a campaign promise to give salaries to unemployed in the 2019 Presidential Election. The program is called the Pre-Employment Card. The goal is that those who are unemployed can be better prepared to receive work.

The spread of political promises in the political contestation of the 2019 Presidential Election has become a common secret. The pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Ma'ruf Amin also tried to spread their political promises.

Jokowi, who incidentally incumbent, wants to re-rely rely on the magic card program as in the 2014 Presidential Election. Pre-Employment Card, his name. The program is simply intended for those unemployed.

The goal is to increase unemployment skills. So, they don't need to worry about fund matters until they get a job. Details related to schemes, sources of funds, and others have not been prepared.

The plan is still around a rough design that has not been detailed at all. This condition is evidenced by the incompleteness of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf National Campaign Team (TKN) in dealing with the Pre-Employment Card.

Jokowi-Ma'ruf's political promise has become a wild ball. Criticism arose from everywhere. Jokowi's program is considered to have many disadvantages, minimal benefits. Some consider Jokowi's program not much different from the Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) program which only generates a lazy mentality.

People feel quickly satisfied with getting government assistance, without wanting to fight for their lives. The government is advised to focus on opening up a lot of jobs.

The option is considered better than'maintaining' unemployment like abandoned children which is the responsibility of the government in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. More importantly, the source of funding cannot be ascertained.

"This card is just a game of words. The source of funding cannot be ascertained. But the logic is that the teacher's salary (honorary) has not been paid, how do you want to add more debt?" said a member of Commission XI DPR RI Gerindra faction, Heri Gunawan as quoted on the page, March 7, 2019.

The General Election Commission (KPU) has appointed Jokowi-Ma'ruf as the winner of the 2019 Presidential Election. This means that Jokowi has certainly stepped up as President of Indonesia into a second term. Jokowi's political promises are often questioned by many parties, especially the Pre-Employment Card.

Many think the program will not continue. Alias, only as an ornament for the 2019 presidential election. However, the Ministry of Finance immediately spoke up on September 26, 2019. The Ministry of Finance emphasized that the pre-employment program was being seriously discussed by the government.

The Ministry of Finance is still trying to finalize the concept of implementation, from matters of training costs to intensive. The Ministry of Finance is also preparing a large budget to support the realization of President Jokowi's political promises. Then, the Pre-Employment Card was only present when Indonesia was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

"We cannot progress and cannot quickly develop, if human resources are not qualified. Human resources in 2020, must be good and then will be more and stronger fundamentally."

"APBN is also to prepare the younger generation through job training. The total budget is IDR 10 trillion and is given to 2 million participants. This is indeed to improve the quality of human resources," said Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance Askolani as quoted on the CNBC page, September 26, 2019.