PSI Survey Of The Noken System Pilkada In Central Papua: Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai Unggul Pair

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Survey Panel (PSI) issued the results of a Regional Head Election survey (Pilkada) in Central Papua Province. As a result, in the selection with a noken system with various simulations, the Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai Get superior to other contestants.

"The survey results show that the public's choice for the candidate pair for the head of the Central Papua region, Willem Wandik-Aloysius Giyai, is in first place with 62.7 percent," said PSI Executive Director Dominico Bagas in his statement, Wednesday, September 11.

The second position is occupied by Natuni-Titus Natkime Natuni pair with 12.1 percent. Then, the Meki Nawipa-Denas Geley pair with 7.9 percent and the John Wempi Wetipo-Ausilius Youw pair with 5.4 percent.

In the survey results, there were also people who decided not to vote as much as 11.9 percent.

Bagas said that in the survey, respondents were also asked to assess the capabilities of the regional head candidate pair. The capabilities assessed in the survey include several values, namely visionary, intellectuality, governability rule, political ability, political communication, and leadership.

"The survey results show the capability of the Willem Wandik -Aloysius Giyai pair is superior to its competitors, namely with a score of 89.2 percent. The next position is occupied by Natalis Tabuni-Titus Natkime pair with a score of 51.7 percent, the Meki Nawipa-Denas Geley pair with a score of 49.2 percent, and the John Wempi Wetipo -Ausilius Youw pair with a score of 47.6 percent," he said.

The survey results also found that the people of Central Papua had considerations in determining the choice of their regional head candidate pair. Bagas stated that 81.3 percent considered the track record and experience of candidates in leading, and concrete achievements in leading or working in the public sector.

"The survey results with survey simulations with the implementation of the noken system, namely big man noken and hanging noken, were found that 52.8 percent of the Central Papuan public were aware of the 2024 regional elections, while 47.2 percent did not and did not know yet," said Bagas.

Then, as many as 79.3 percent were interested in the vision and work programs offered later and as many as 80.3 percent wanted regional head candidates who were able to overcome regional problems and bring positive changes in various sectors such as education, health, infrastructure, and the economy.

"And as much as 79.4 percent considered the personality and behavior of regional head candidates," he said.

Bagas explained, this PSI survey involved as many as 1480 Central Papuans selected from the 2024 election DPT population as many as 1,128,844 voters and spread proportionally at 740 polling stations in 8 districts. Namely, Nabire, Mimika, Dogiyai, Deiyai, Intan Jaya, Puncak, Puncak Jaya, and Paniai Regencies.

This survey has a Margin of Error -/+2.55 percent and a Trust Level of 95 percent. Survey data collection uses the Face-to-face Interview Method and the Whatsapp Video Call channel for Respondents of polls to test the electoral level of each pair of candidates for Regional Heads held by the Indonesian Survey Panel from August 28 to September 7, 2024.