NASA Joins DARPA Robotic Satellite Program
JAKARTA NASA has officially collaborated with the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) in providing satellite services in orbit. Both signed an inter-institutional agreement on September 5.
In the agreement, it was written that NASA and DARPA agreed to focus on satellites in the Geosynchron Orbit (GEO). In that orbit, there are hundreds of satellites that function as means of communication, meteorology, national security, and other military purposes.
NASA will provide expertise for the Robotic Servicing of GeosynNCronous Satellites (RSGS) program belonging to DARPA. The US space agency will assist DARPA in completing the development, integration, testing, and demonstration of RSGS technology.
RSGS is a program designed to carry out cooperative inspections and services at GEO. This robotic satellite will assist satellites at GEO that require fuel or backup systems. The plan, this program will be demonstrated for five years.
NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy said that NASA will use its Services, Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) projects to support the RSGS program. Melroy said that this deal was so important that NASA would give it it its best.
"(we will) advance important technologies that are ready to benefit commercial, civilian and national purposes," Melroy said on NASA's official website. "We will make meaningful and long-term contributions to ISAM's capabilities."
In addition to using the ISAM 1 project, NASA will also use other efforts in the field of space robotics, system engineering, spacecraft subsystems, integration and testing, operator training, and space flight operations.
While joining the RSGS program, NASA has not only helped the country's defense institutions. NASA also plans to advance the understanding and experience of a very complex ISAM system.