BCA Shareholders Approved The Appointment Of Two New Directors, Jahja Setiaatmadja Still Remains Managing Director

JAKARTA - Shareholders of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) approved the appointment of the company's new directors on behalf of John Kosasih and Frengky Chandra Kusuma who replaced the previous directors, namely Henry Koenaifi and Erwan Yuris Ang.

This decision was stated in the results of the BCA Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) which was held today, Monday, March 29.

"The appointment of John Kosasih and Frengky Chandra Kusuma as members of BCA's new board of directors is to complement the management's capabilities in developing the company's business in facing business dynamics amidst intense competition in the future," said BCA's official broadcast, Monday, March 29.

"At this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, BCA would like to express its highest appreciation and thank Henry Koenaifi and Erwan Yuris Ang for their dedication while serving as company directors in the previous period," wrote the report.

However, the two of them could not immediately start their activities because they had to wait for the approval of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) regarding the fit and proper test.

If deemed to meet the criteria, the two high-ranking BCA officials will serve a term of office until the determination of the Annual GMS in 2026.

"Giving power to the company's directors to determine the effective date of the appointment after the company receives approval from the OJK," said BCA.

For information, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders also agreed to distribute dividends of Rp. 13.02 trillion or 48 percent of the total 2020 net profit, which amounted to Rp. 27.1 trillion.

The dividend value includes the interim dividend of Rp. 98 per share which was distributed on 22 December 2020.

Then, an agreement was also reached on questions or honoraria, allowances, and facilities for directors and commissioners for the 2021 period as well as bonuses for the 2020 financial year.

In the course of the 2021 financial year, shareholders appointed the Public Accounting Firm Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Partners (a member firm of the PwC Global network) to audit/examine the company's financial records and reports.

The following is the complete composition of the company's board of commissioners and directors with terms of office after the closing of the 2020 Annual GMS until the closing of the Annual GMS held in 2026.

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Djohan Emir Setijoso

Commissioner: Tonny Kusnadi

Independent Commissioner: Cyrillus Harinowo

Independent Commissioner: Raden Pardede

Independent Commissioner: Sumantri Slamet


President Director: Jahja Setiaatmadja

Vice President Director: Armand Wahyudi Hartono

Director: Tan Ho Hien/Subur or Subur Tan

Director: Rudy Susanto

Director: Santoso

Director: Linawati Suwono

Director: Vera Eve Lim

Director (concurrently Compliance Director): Haryanto Tiara Budiman

Director: Gregory Hendra Lembong