From Mulyono Bin Notomiharjo To Joko Widodo

JAKARTA - Javanese people and klenik things cannot be separated. This condition makes all kinds of things to be carefully considered. Name matters, for example. Name should not be arbitrary. The phrase name is prayer must be adjusted to the child.
The wrong business of name can be a hassle. This condition has been felt by little Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He initially had the small name Mulyono bin Notomiharjo. Later the name was changed because he was unlucky. He also used a new name: Jokowi.
Klenik is something important in the way of life for most Javanese people. Clinical practices are not only interpreted narrowly as mere magic matters. Klenik must be widely looked at as an aspect of Javanese culture which is also a philosophy of social and cultured life.
Don't be surprised if national figures like Soekarno to Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX believe in klenik. Bung Karno, for example. He once had a small name Kusno Sosrodihardjo. However, according to klenik, the name is considered to be a problem. Little Kusno is often sickly.
His parents also took the initiative to change his name to Soekarno. A name that comes from the story of Bharatayuddha which presents a warlord named Karna. The name was pinned and adapted to the Javanese accent to Karno.
His parents also equipped him with Soe's (su) prefix which means either good or richer, or profit. Namu, the matter of changing the name is not Bung Karno's monopoly. The 7th President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has also had a small name.
In the past, when his parents, Widjiatno Notomiharjo and Sudjiatmi Notomiharjo were very happy that their child was born at the Brayat Minulyo Hospital, Surakat on June 21, 1961. The boy was given the name Mulyono bin Notomiharjo.
That name has a noble meaning or glory. Malang cannot be denied. Little Mulyono is often sickly. Moreover, at that time his family's economic condition was not doing well. This condition made Jokowi's parents take steps like Javanese who believed in the klenik.
Mulyono's name was then changed to Joko Widodo. Joko means son. Then, Widodo is always prosperous and healthy. The goal is that the child can live a prosperous life.
His father, Notomiharjo, is a wood seller, with irregular and irregular benefits. Jokowi was originally named Mulyono, but after suffering from some disease, his parents changed his name with better luck, like Javanese habits. They chose Joko Widodo's name, and his son soon recovered mysteriously," said Ben Bland in the book Man of Contradictions (2020).
Living with the name Joko Widodo brought blessings. He is no longer sick. Joko Widodo also began to complete his education and study as a furniture exporter. His job made Joko Widodo known as Jokowi.
Initially, Jokowi's nickname did not come from the abbreviation of Joko Widodo. It all started with Jokowi's friend and business partner, Michel Romagnan, who had just come to Surakarta in 1989. The French man is familiar with Joko Widodo.
This appreciation was built from the beginning Jokowi began to pursue the furniture world by working at his uncle's company, Roda Jati. Every day he met Michel Romagnan who happened to be a business consultant for his uncle.
The two of them became close. In fact, until Romagnan started to build his own business. Likewise Jokowi. All kinds of Romangan needs in the furniture world, Joko Widodo always helps. The problem is, it's not just Joko Widodo who supplies materials to Romagnan.
Many of the other suppliers are also named Joko. Romagnan ogah dizzy. He observed how Joko Widodo lives. He saw Joko Widodo's inspiring hard work ethic. Every time Romagnan asked him for something, Joko Widodo could always and never said no.
The impression made him call Joko Widodo with the word Joko-Oui. Yes, in French it means yes. Joko-Oui's nickname began to frequently speak. His colleagues also began to call Joko Widodo with Joko-Oui.
Later, due to Javanese tongue pronunciation, Joko-Oui's nickname then gradually became Jokowi. A name that we later recognized today as the 7th President of Indonesia.
In the eyes of Romagnan, Joko Widodo stands out the most from other Joko-Joko because he is always positive-optimistic. Every time Michel asks: Can you make this? Joko Widodo will definitely answer: Yes, of course I can.
Joko Widodo never said, No, I can't. He was always optimistic that he could do something he wanted. Romagnan also called him Joko-oui, in the people of Solo," said Mukti Ali Qusyiri in the book Ulama Talks about Jokowi: Indigenous Network, Community, and Nationality (2018).