How To Fix Android Phones That Die When The Battery Is Full
JAKARTA Android phones that turn off when the battery is full are an unnatural situation. If your phone experiences this problem, you may panic because you don't know the cause of your phone's turn off. There are several factors that make the phone turn off suddenly, including because the battery is damaged or is too old, overheated, the use of the CPU is too high in the background, the restart function is automatically active, to the system that is left behind. Of the various possibilities that occur, there are some improvements that you can try first. Reporting from Android Police, the first thing you can do is restart the phone. You can press the button according to the device model. If this method doesn't work, try to charge the phone. If your phone restarts when the charger is installed and goes back off when the charger is revoked, there is a problem with the battery or charging port. If this happens, your phone needs to be serviced. When your phone wants to restart and has no problem at charging, you need to check whether the shutdown menu is automatically enabled. You can check this menu in Settings, precisely in the Battery section.
The last way you can do is check battery health by downloading the third application or checking directly from the settings. If your health is very low, the Android phone battery you are using can experience problems. The lower the health, the higher the repair rate. That is, you have to replace the phone battery. If left sick for too long, your battery may be damaged so that the power is drained faster or even die suddenly.