Prevent Bullying Like PPDS Case, DPR Asks Agencies To Obey National Education System Standards

JAKARTA - Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives encourages ministries/agencies that organize internal education to use the standards of the Ministry of Education and Culture's (Kemendikbud) national education system.

This is to prevent acts of bullying that lead to the death of dr. Aulia Risma Lestari participated in the Specialist Doctors Education Program (PPDS) at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Diponegoro University (Undip).

"bullying also acts of violence often occur, that's why we often urge K/L to carry out education under the Sisdiknas Law system," said Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI, Dede Yusuf, Tuesday, August 20.

Dede assessed that the absence of the implementation of Sisdiknas in Ministries/Agencies schools that organize education such as in medical specialists has caused a lack of a monitoring system for educational programs.

"The weakness of other K/L is in the supervisory function, so while we know that at the Ministry of Education and Culture with Sisdiknas there is a lot of monitoring, starting from parents, teachers, anti-bullying task forces. There is a candy," he said.

Commission X of the DPR itself cannot supervise ministries/agencies that hold internal education because these agencies do not follow the standards of Sisdiknas whose centers lead to the Ministry of Education and Culture as partners of Commission X.

Even though Sisdiknas is regulated in Law Number 20 of 2003 where the latest rules are being discussed through the revision of the law (RUU) at Commission X of the DPR regulates in detail the prevention of bullying or bullying in an educational environment. Therefore, Dede considered it important that K/L follow the standards of Sisdiknas when conducting education.

"In Ministries/Institutions, it seems that it has happened repeatedly without any clear supervisory functions. Therefore, we encourage the implementation of Sisdiknas to make it easier to supervise," said Dede.

Legislator dapil Jawa Barat II ini menilai, penerapan Sisdiknas dapat mengurangi aksi-aksi bulllying di lingkungan pendidikan karena ada aturan yang terstruktur.

Moreover, it turns out that the problem of bullying in PPDS is already rooted and becomes a culture. Sisdiknas can be a reference so that educational programs organized by ministries/agencies run with full supervision. Of course, not only on specialist doctor programs, but all, "he explained.

"If it's like now walking alone, what happens in their education program is only known to them. Suddenly it was crowded when there were rich cases now, so the prevention and monitoring were lacking," continued Dede.

Commission X of the DPR also hopes that ministries/institutions that organize education will follow Sisdiknas. Although bullying can occur anywhere and anytime, said Dede, at least there is a clear legal umbrella in handling and preventing education.

"We hope that all other K/L who organize education must follow Sisdiknas so that supervision and control will remain," he said.

"In fact, we always encourage other Ministries / Agencies to use the educational standards used by the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely Sisdiknas, including its supervisory standards," continued Dede.

As is known, bullying cases occur in official education environments which are self-organized by ministries/agencies. Not only in PPDS, but also in other special educational programs.

For example, what recently happened was the case at STIP (High School of Shipping Science) which was under the auspices of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) where a student named Putu Satria Ananta Rustika died as a result of violence from his senior in May 2024.

Cases of violence that lead to death have also occurred several times at IPDN (Domestic Government Institute), one of which is the case of violence against Candidates for Praja Level 1 I from Lampung who died while attending basic education (disar) in 2017. IPDN is under the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

In addition to the death case of dr. Aulia, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) stated that she received hundreds of reports related to senior bullying to juniors in the PPDS program. On social media, there are also stories that uncover cases of bullying in PPDS.

Some of them are like juniors in PPDS who are required to provide food to seniors in unnatural times and conditions. Then there is also physical punishment until there is a'senior resident's wife' ration to seniors.

Participants of PPDS or specialist residents are also known to have to accommodate party fees, travel by plane, to hotels for seniors with a very large cost value of up to tens to hundreds of millions. There are even PPDS participants who must be willing to concurrently become 'parking carpentry' and'senior driver' for pick-up.

According to Dede, such cases have entered the realm of law and the perpetrators can be charged with criminal threats.

"If it's like that, it means extortion there, harassment, and abuse of authority. It has been criminalized and must be dealt with," he said.