National Police Chief Reviewing COVID-19 Vaccination With Gibran: Thank God, The Citizens Are Enthusiastic

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, visited Solo on Thursday, March 25 to review the vaccination program. In the activity, the National Police Chief Listyo was accompanied directly by the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

To residents, the four-star general appealed to continue to implement health protocols after being vaccinated.

"We always say that after participating in the vaccine, we still follow 3M, we can take care of each other", said Chief of Police Listyo during the event, Pendapa Gede, Surakarta City Hall, Central Java.

400 educators participated in the vaccine injection, including lecturers and representatives of interfaith communities. Moreover, in the next few months Solo will carry out a face-to-face learning process (PTM).

To make this plan a success, the government is giving vaccines to educators.

"So that everything can be prepared properly, thus economic activity will run even better".

"Thank God, they are enthusiastic to follow, hopefully in the future, this activity will run smoothly so that the efforts of the central government in order to form a herd immunity can be realized", he said.

The National Police Chief Listyo hopes that in the future the vaccination activities in Solo will be completed soon and the community can return to the normal activities again.

Meanwhile, in addition to reviewing the vaccination activities at the Surakarta City Hall, the Chief of Police also paid a visit to the Surakarta Mayor Loji Gandrung's official residence.

"I have memories here, usually after they finished with the patrol, I used to stopped by here", said the former Surakarta Police Chief.