President Abbas Calls The US Blocking International Recognition Of Palestine By All Ways

JAKARTA - The United States is blocking in any way possible to achieve international recognition of Palestine, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said.

President Abbas said in an interview with TASS Deputy Director General Mikhail Gusman after his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"The US blocked the decision on international recognition of Palestine and blocked this process in any way possible, even past the UN resolutions that have been adopted," he said.

Since 1947, President Abbas continued, there have been a thousand UN resolutions regarding the Palestinian issue adopted. However, none of these decisions have ever been implemented.

"About seven hundred and fifty resolutions by the General Assembly and about eighteen resolutions of the Security Council, while the rest by the Human Rights Committee and so on," said President Abbas.

"When I made a speech at the Security Council, I said, 'You are the highest authority in the world. But if you don't apply your own decision, to whom else can I submit my request? Go to heaven?' he continued.

"For example, in 2016, Resolution 2334 was passed. All member states of the Security Council voted, not even the US against it. The US was only abstained. And then (former US President Donald) Trump came to power and overturned this decision," recalls President Abbas.

President Abbas is known to have visited Russia on August 12-14. He met with President Putin in Moscow on Tuesday, discussing conflicts in the Gaza Strip to bilateral between the two countries.

Today, President Abbas will fly to Ankara, Turkey at an official invitation, where he will address the Turkish Parliamentary General Assembly, attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as quoted by the Palestinian news agency, WAFA.