The Stabbing Of An 11-year-old Boy At Leicester Square London Is Not Related To Post-Article Riots Terror In England

JAKARTA - Stabbing who injured an 11-year-old girl and 34-year-old woman at Leicester Square London, England is said to have nothing to do with acts of terrorism. The perpetrator of the stabbing has been arrested.

Police said the incident in the central London square, a popular area among tourists, was not considered to be linked to terror.

British police forces remain vigilant following days of unrest earlier this month, which was sparked by a hoax post that misidentified the suspect in the murder of three girls in northern England as an Islamic migrant.

The injuries suffered by the 11-year-old victim did not threaten his life, police said. The victim is now being treated in hospital.

Police confirmed that there were no other suspects in the stabbing case at Leicester Square. But the police have not yet explained the motive for the stabbing in the midst of the heated UK situation.