The Ministry Of PUPR Calls The Construction Of Five Houses Of Worship At IKN In The Design Stage

BALIKPAPAN - Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that there would be the construction of houses of worship in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), in the near future.

Indonesia admits that there are 6 legitimate religions that are embraced legally and administratively by the state. The six religions are Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hindu Buddhism and Confucianism.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S Atmawidjaja said that currently the construction stage is the construction of the State Mosque. Meanwhile, the construction of five other houses of worship is still in the design stage.

"2025 (the design is targeted to already exist)," Endra told reporters at the IKN Nusantara Hotel, Friday, August 9.

Endra assessed that the design stages of the five houses of worship were carried out in stages. "Oh yes (for five houses of worship). Right, it's starting to gradually," he said.

According to him, in every residence there is already a functional room that can be used as a place of worship. "Now it's a design for houses of worship. Meanwhile, in every residence, right, there is already a function room. It can be used for church worship. Then also for Buddhism, Hinduism can also be later," said Endra.

Even so, Endra has not been able to provide further information about the budget prepared to build the five houses of worship. Because, he said, currently still waiting for the results of the design.

"The design hasn't come out yet. It hasn't come out yet, really, I've asked the rupiah. Later, if you have the design results, yes," he concluded.