Holds Congress In Bali, PKB Ensures Cak Imin Continues To Become Chairman

JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) will hold a Congress on August 24-26, 2024 in Bali. The implementation of the 6th Congress was held earlier than the previous plan, namely after the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada.

The congress is the PKB's highest decision-making forum attended by all representatives or envoys from the regional leadership council (DPW) and branch leadership councils (DPC) throughout Indonesia, including the PKB autonomous body.

Chairman of the PKB DPP Faisol Riza as Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Congress said PKB would follow up on the wishes of all regional party officials to branches. Where, PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar again led the party in the next period.

"Regarding the request to Mr. Muhaimin as the general chairman of the PKB to lead again, it has been conveyed by all branches and DPW asking for his willingness to re-lead PKB in the upcoming government and in the upcoming DPP management," said Faisol at the PKB DPP Office, Central Jakarta, Friday, August 9.

Faisol explained that the agenda of the congress began with an accountability report from the DPP Management for the 2019-2024 period.

Furthermore, the PKB ranks held a number of trials related to, for example, programs or outlines of parties in the management for the next five years. The main thing is whether PKB will join the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government or be on the opposition line.

"In general, the voices of all branches and DPWs have so far wanted almost everyone to say that PKB must join the upcoming government," explained Faisol.

On the one hand, Faisol admitted that the timing of the congress coincided with a number of important agendas. Among them are the registration of pairs of regional head candidates on August 27-29.

Then, there is also the inauguration of provincial and district/city DPRD members in each region which is held on average at the end of August. Thus, PKB seeks the remaining time available and decides on the implementation of the Congress on August 24-25.

"Alhamdulillah, after being consulted, all of these time determinations fit all the moments we have to do this August," he said.